Healthline First Aid believes in the importance of what we teach! First Aid, CPR, and AED training serve an important purpose and we know that ANYONE, and want EVERYONE to learn CPR. Classes are taught in a fun and relaxed environment while holding to the standards set for instruction by the American Heart Association. Second only to the importance of learning CPR, here are a number of other reasons to become a client of Healthline First Aid:
Help add years to someone's life by taking a few hours out of your day to receive a CPR certification. Immersive classes offered at HLFA are taught in a fun and relaxed environment in Milwaukee. Register in one of our FirstAid, AED, or CPR clases in Milwaukee today to become a certified life-saver and protect the lives of the ones you love. Find a class and sign up or Contact Healthline for a custom class fitting your schedule.
Get CPR certified today and protect the lives of the ones you love. Call Healthline First Aid 414-282-4532.
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